There once lived a knight in Shining Armor,

Who loved to help the damsels in distress.

Inviting every challenge to assure him,

His overwhelming strength would pass each test.


He knew the maidens loved his Shiny presence,

Impatiently, he hastened to their call,

How strong he felt within his suit of Armor.

Protected from within his steely wall.


Then one day, there came a nice young maiden,

Who asked if she might talk with him awhile.

He hungered for a lady’s admiration,

So her attempt to know him, made him smile.


They talked of many things and they grew closer.

The maiden came to love him very much.

She one day asked if he’d remove his armor,

So she might know the pleasure of this touch.


The Knight in Shining Armor was astounded!

“Young maiden, do you realize what you ask?

You wish for me to stand before you naked,

Not knowing what I hide behind my mask?”


Though she was very frightened by his anger,

She felt she must tenaciously persist.

For it was worth the feelings she’d uncover,

So carefully concealed beneath his vest.


You cannot hide your wounds within your armor.

They will not heal unless exposed to trust.

That you would have me love a suit of armor,

You surely must agree would be unjust!


“My maiden, you have dared to look within me,

But first these words of caution I relay;

How can I be your Knight in Shining Armor,

If I let my Armor melt away?”


“My silly Knight, your Armor isn’t shining,

Without you, it would lie there cold and gray.

Do you not need to know that I would love you,

Without the strength your Armor doth portray?”


“You need not fear that I would ever harm you,

I only seek that you may be set free,

To understand the Knight within the Armor,

To understand how much he means to me.”


“Just one last question I’m compelled to ask you,

Before you choose to leave your Armor on;

Are not the very feelings that you hide from,

The feelings you’ve been seeking, all along?”


~ Sandi Burton